
New Blogging Mechanics

Since the title of this blog is Random Thoughts, I have decided to make choosing the topics more random using a lottery system. Twice a week, probably every Monday or Wednesday, I'll randomly pick a piece of paper from the hundred plus pieces of paper I have carefully cut up and folded in which various topics are written. Then, I will have to write about that specific topic. Currently, I have about 200 or so pieces of paper with topics written on them. Topics range from each book of the Chronicles of Narnia to pre-marital sex, from Lost (TV show) to my first day in school ever.

Here are some other mechanics I will be following:
  1. I can only pick three topics for a day and I would have to write about at least one of those. If I do not write about a topic I have picked, it goes back to the pile.
  2. I can only defer writing about a topic I have picked three times.
  3. I will do the random picking at least twice a week unless a grave reason such as severe illness will impede me to do so.
  4. I will have to write at least 100 words on the topic.
That's it. I'll add more mechanics as I go along.

Although I will do this random picking of topic process, I can and will still write about topics that suddenly interest me.

If you have any suggestions for any good topics, please feel free to comment. ;)


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