
SY 2005 - 06

It seems like this past school year just flashed before my eyes. So much has happened and I've never been as busy as I've been the past year. And I've never worked as hard too.

But the past week, it seemed, moved slowly. The deadlines, exams and other things that had to be attended to, didn't seem to end. And it still doesn't. Right now, I'm still working on two projects and two more exams.

So what have I accomplished? Probably a lot. I feel like this past school year has really transformed me and made me a mature, responsible student, and person. Although I still cram and procrastinate, I am now more focused on the right priorities. I have learned to spend my money more wisely. I'm still impulsive and frivolous, but I'd like to think I now appreciate the value of my money more. I have been studying hard, and working even harder. The past schoolyear, I have been tutoring, conducting remedial classes and blogging.

Sad to say, there is also a part of me that is really suffering: my social life. Haven't been out much. Didn't really meet new people. Aside from re-connecting with some old friends, my social life hasn't really made much progress. But's that the pay-off, I guess, for have good grades and rewarding jobs.

Unfortunately, this summer doesn't really hold much promise on the social front. My plan consist mainly of school and work, still.

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